Hydrangea (Pinky Winky)

Pinky Winky: 3 Gallon Pot3 Gallon Pot
Pinky Winky: 3 Gallon PotPinky Winky: 3 Gallon Pot

3 Gallon Pot
$ 31.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

3 Gallon Pot Pinky Winky Very large showy blooms cover this plant. Flowers start white and turn a rich pink in the fall. Bright summer colour will light up the landscape.

3 Gallon PotPinky Winky Summer

3 Gallon PotPinky Winky -

3 Gallon PotPinky Winky White/Pink

3 Gallon PotPinky Winky 6' - 8' / 1.8m - 2.4m

3 Gallon PotPinky Winky Part shade

3 Gallon PotPinky Winky Moist

3 Gallon PotPinky Winky 5' / 1.5m

3 Gallon PotPinky Winky 4 - 8
